Jersey Construction Council

List of Members

Health and Safety

The Health and Safety Inspectorate have recently published their 2019 report and it is encouraging to see that within the report, the engagement of the JeCC and HSI is noted.

The H&S Sub-Committee of the Council have reviewed the report and would like to highlight the following items -

  • Whilst the Inspectorate remains committed to using a broad range of regulatory tools, and bringing together different interventions, to achieve the most impact and improve standards in areas where the risks are highest, we can’t act alone. Everyone has a part to play, including employers, employees, professional bodies and others.
  • The Director of Health and Safety sits as an ex-officio member on both the Jersey Safety Council (JSC) and the Health and Safety sub-committee of the Jersey Construction Council (JeCC) which provides an opportunity for sharing of ideas to help improve future programmes of interventions and policy development.
  • The JeCC represents a wide cross section of the construction industry including contractors, consultants and suppliers, and is a key stakeholder in supporting improvements within one of the island’s highest-risk sectors. The opportunity for two way engagement and support is therefore seen as an important partnership.
  • As has been the case for many years the construction industry is the industry sector where you are most likely to suffer harm through a workplace accident or work-related ill health. 
  • 24% of Short Term Incapacity Allowance claims for work-related absence came from the Construction sector, despite making up approximately 10% of the Island’s workforce.
  • 7 cases were sentenced by the Royal Court during 2019
  • 264 proactive inspections carried out - 85% construction-related
  • A number of targeted initiatives included one on Health Risks in Stonemasonry
  • Enforcement notices
    • 38 Prohibition notices served and of that 36 were to the construction industry, which were mainly to do with work at height
    • 18 Improvement notices served.
      • 5 relating to failure to carry out an adequate assessment of significant risks
      • 4 for a failure to prepare a safe work method statement


For your information, please find below a link to the full report.


Whilst recognising that there is a significant ongoing focus on managing the risk of COVID, the JSC believe that it’s important to continue to reinforce basic safety messages in key areas of the construction industry.

To that end, the JSC have prepared 3 posters addressing Working at Height, Housekeeping & Stress.
The posters can be found on the links below or alternatively can also be downloaded from
You are never alone


Simple Mistakes Shatter Lives

Please distribute the posters across your network and encourage their use.